
1) First, please sign up or log in to ZenMarket Site.
2) Once you have completed signing up or logging in to ZenMarket Site, please search for the product you want on our Gallery Tanaka Shopping Site.

3) Once you have successfully searched for the product you want, go to the ZenMarket Site, enter the resulting URL into the URL input area on the ZenMarket My Account screen, and place your order.
* example of URL "https://gallerytanaka.shop-pro.jp/?mode=srh&cid=&keyword=G-7659"

4) You will receive an email from the ZenMarket site informing you that it is available for purchase. Once you receive the email, please pay by credit card through the ZenMarket Site.

5) After ZenMarket receives an order from the customer, it orders the product from Gallery Tanaka and makes payment. Gallery Tanaka will ship the products to ZenMarket's Japan office in response to the order. ZenMarket then carries out international transportation (shipping) of the product to the customer.